On a rare occasion, I ventured beyond PB for the night. I think my homies and I hit four different bars in OB and in the last one there was this simply perfect little blond girl. She couldn't have been more than 5'1" and dressed in a t-shirt jeans and sneakers she was the best looking woman I'd seen all night. I was checking her out while she was being hit on by two other guys. A drink or two later, I can't help but see her dancing with this old dude. There was no one else dancing, and he was at least 60, but more likely 75. They danced and danced, and yes I was totally jealous of his old ass. He was a good dancer and my homey told me that he'd decided he needed to learn how to dance. Haha, yeah, it was that good. But this girl, woman, angel danced and flirted with this old man and absolutely made his night. Vicariously, she made my night too. After their dance, she quickly disappeared, but I honestly don't know if I'd've had the nerve to try. Oh well. Shit! Not oh well, she was hot. I'm drunk and ready to pass out, entertained but unfulfilled, so ... good night. And it was good, but far from great. Cheers.
I can relate. You always seem to have a good drinking and party story.Sometimes the result is not so well. But a bad story doesn't mean it is not fun to read.
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