I like strawberry margaritas. They are gay, I know. Okay, here's a problem with the current state of the slice of society I live in. Everything is gay. I'm not complaining that there are too many homosexuals, Maybe there are, but that's not my view nor complaint. I'm complaining about word usage and public displays. A high school student in a math class whined, "Math is gay." Another student, while watching a video on the solar system, dismissed it saying, "Space is gay." Do you see what I'm saying? These things are inherently non-sexual yet kids assign gayness to them as a sign of negativity. Now, I'm far from defending homosexuals or their rights, I still feel that sex is a private thing. I don't want to know what other people's sexual habits are. I do not need a yearly parade to remind me of people's rights or habits. Go be gay, have a great time, but stop telling me about it. I see it like old people having sex, fine I know it's going to happen but I don't want to think about it, keep it to yourselves. Homosexuality is apparently so fashionable and prevelent that the sexuality of nearly everything is now in question.
My buddy and I had all these free drink coupons and we were drinking a great many beers. Eventually we used all the beer coupons and each had one margarita coupon left. We asked the bartender if we could get beers instead, he said no, so we got margs. Sitting there, my buddy and me, no girls and with two margaritas, I called the bartender back over and ordered two beers. My buddy asked if I was tossing the margarita, I said no but I just needed to cancel out the gayness of the two margs with a couple beers.
However I like margaritas. I usually try to take a date to Fred's Mexican Cafe or if not a date then one of my few female friends. I absolutely use them as an excuse to drink margaritas. But lately I've been going in there solo and just having some tacos and a single glass of alcohol Slurpee. Sigh ... yeah margaritas are gay, math is gay, space is gay, my brother thinks blogs are gay. Well I don't give a fuck. Sometimes I like a few margaritas, sometimes I even like a Midori Sour, pretty damn gay huh, but that's just an ignorant view inflicted on something totally non-sexual. LL Cool J rhymed: He said, "Your earring's cute." I said, "I'm wearing an earring but it ain't no fruit loop."

However I like margaritas. I usually try to take a date to Fred's Mexican Cafe or if not a date then one of my few female friends. I absolutely use them as an excuse to drink margaritas. But lately I've been going in there solo and just having some tacos and a single glass of alcohol Slurpee. Sigh ... yeah margaritas are gay, math is gay, space is gay, my brother thinks blogs are gay. Well I don't give a fuck. Sometimes I like a few margaritas, sometimes I even like a Midori Sour, pretty damn gay huh, but that's just an ignorant view inflicted on something totally non-sexual. LL Cool J rhymed: He said, "Your earring's cute." I said, "I'm wearing an earring but it ain't no fruit loop."
A drunk friend e-mailed me this reply: "Just a side note, probably not something to post on your site anyway but aint you confusing magaretas with streabery dac's. At least the pic aint what I'd cal a margareta as they are lime based while dacs are straberry based and ya they aimnt "cool" but they taste nice."
Haha, okay, I'm not sure. I thought margs came in a variety of flavors, blended or on the rocks. For every thousand beers I drink, I probably drink one marg, so I don't really know or care. But if you have the definitive answer, please share. Cheers.
I asked someone the other day, and was told that strawberry margs have tequila and strawberry dacs have rum.
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